Nov 5 – 6, 2024
Banjul, The Gambia
Africa/Banjul timezone

The conference will contribute to a large consultation of the regional and international stakeholders on the CS4RRA joint call, to ensure relevance, excellence, and ownership by the African region. It will equally contribute to the progressive implementation of the recommendations from the Webinars by WASCAL and IRD. Finally, the conference will support exploring synergies, provide the opportunity for networking, and mobilise funders in Africa and EU, and thus, will enlarge the research opportunities for CS4RRA members.


The specific objectives are:    

  • review the webinars' outcomes and complete current priorities in research, innovation and capacity building;
  • bring together funding agencies, key performing organisations from EU member states, and likeminded African partners interested in developing long-lasting activities on research, innovation and capacity building
  • enhance coordination of the existing bilateral activities between European and African countries and existing multilateral initiatives; build-up a consortium of interested parties from Africa and Europe on climate risk reduction challenges (e.g. to prepare of a joint application for EU-calls).
  • examine and propose sustainable funding mechanisms for climate and environment services provision, 


The Stocktaking conference will scale up to the joint call for project proposals to address the critical issues identified during the webinars. The significance of hosting an inclusive international stocktaking conference in West Africa is to consolidate insights gathered from webinars and foster collaboration among research funders, practitioners, and stakeholders. The conference will equally help attract key institutions and countries beyond the initial CS4RRA circle. There is a significant gap in funding for R&I in Africa, as well as for capacity building in West Africa. By joining forces, the gap shall be closed, strong win-win partnerships built, and relevant research activities undertaken for sustainable development of the region. 


Format, Venue, Dates and Participants 

The final hybrid (in-situ and online) stocktaking conference will be held in Banjul, the Gambia in 5-6 November 2024. The venue of the meeting is the International Conference Hall, Banjul, The Gambia.


Expected Participants (~100 in presence & ~300 online)

  • Representatives from the main funder of BMBF, MESR as well as DLR-PT,
  • WASCAL management, Governing Board members, Scientific Advisory Committee, scientists (incl. alumni), and representatives of the Graduates Schools,
  • IRD management and scientists,
  • CS4RRA Advisory Board members,
  • Representative of Ministers of Higher Education of the Gambia,
  • High-level policy delegates from national, regional, and international institutions in West Africa,
  • Funding agencies,
  • Potential partners including IRD, JPI Climate, AU, ECOWAS, UEMOA, UNECA, AfDB, CILSS, Aghrymet; UNU, IWMI, CORAF, FAO, AGRA, ILRI, CCAF, 2IE, BOAD, FARA, RCPB, and others,
  • Representatives from EU and other international organisations, such as ECMWF
  • Representatives from national climate agencies,
  • Scientists incl. national research centers, universities,
  • Stakeholders from the practical world incl. e.g. farmers' Organizations, civil society groups,
  • Private sector stakeholders.


 Preparation and Organization

The organization of the stocktaking conference should be the responsibility of the Local Organization Committee (LOC) headed by the WASCAL Graduate school on Climate Change and Education in The Gambia. The LOC is established to ensure its smooth proceeding and full success.

Local Organizing Committee

The Director of WASCAL GSP in climate change and education in Gambia leads the local organizing committee in the host country with the support of at least three (3) staff of the GPS. The members of local committees will be supported by a team from WASCAL and IRD, led by the Director of research of WASCAL. The activities of the conference are overseen and validated by the CS4RRA advisory board and the Scientific committee. The scientific committee will ensure the scientific quality of the conference by identifying and selecting the speakers and moderators of the different sessions while mobilizing institutional stakeholders, financial resources, and donors in Africa and Europe. The later will be supported by BMBF and MESR.


The main tasks of the local organizing committee and the scientific committee includes: 

  • Proposing a detailed program for the conference.
  • Ensuring the scientific quality of all the sessions by identifying and selecting the right speakers and moderators.
  • Preparing the logistics and administrative aspects of workshops (general logistics, translation and administration of guest receptions and accommodation, catering, and transportation).
  • Directing the Communication and Public Relations issues of the different sessions, 
  • Ensuring the security of participants and overseeing the general organization, participation, and assets management.     
  • Preparing reports and recommendations for each session.


Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the Stocktaking conference are:

  1. The results and key take-home messages of the 4 webinars are reviewed and known by the various stakeholders.
  2. A clear road map incl. a joint call is defined and responsibilities identified. 
  3. Measurable and tangible support including funding commitment are taken by the different stakeholders including BMBF/DLR-PT, MESR, WASCAL, IRD representatives as well as national, regional and international organizations such as JPI Climate, CCSE, CC, etc.
  4. Specific needs and interests of the various stakeholders and the best possible ways to integrate them into the joint call are identified.
Banjul, The Gambia
Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center HomeProjects SDKJ-ICC, 4410793
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