Climate impacts and resilience under present and future scenarios
CS4RRA, Third Hybrid Webinar. Dakar, Senegal, February 8th, 2024, 9h00-15h30 GMT
*Time [1] Plenary (In Situ & Remote) Welcome and opening ceremony Master of Ceremony Prof Mohamed BEN OMAR, UCAD
- Welcome address by the Vice Chancellor of the University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD; In-Situ)
- Ambassador of Germany in Senegal (in-situ) and BMBF, Pia SEIDEL (remote)
- Ambassador of France in Senegal (in-situ) and MESRI, Jean ALBERGEL (remote)
- Opening speech by the Minister of High Education and Scientific Research of Senegal (In-Situ)
9:30-10:30 Plenary (In Situ & Remote) Keynote and Panel discussion
Moderator: Amadou Thierno GAYE (UCAD-LPAOSF, member of WCRP Joint Scientific Committee) Rapporteurs:
- Mbayang THIAM (UCAD-WASCAL) and Cheikh Noreyni FALL (UCAD-LPAOSF)
- Khady Yama SARR (UCAD-WASCAL) and Marie Jeanne SAMBOU (UCAD- LPAOSF) Two keynote speakers:
- Ibidun ADELEKAN (University of Ibadan-AU-EU Climate Change & Sustainable Energy Partnership)
- Bramka Arga JAFINO (World Bank): Estimates of the Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Poverty
10h30-11h: Coffee break |
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11h00-12h30 | Parallel Session 1 Knowledge production, management and sharing, partnership to increase resilience | |
Moderator Session 1: Aminata NDIAYE (UCAD and MESRI)
Rapporteur Session 1: Mbayang THIAM (UCAD-WASCAL) and Cheikh Noreyni FALL (UCAD-LPAOSF) Speakers:
- Björn FIEDLER (University of Kiel-GEOMAR): Future of the marine ecosystem off West Africa - a scientific, multi-scale and multilateral approach towards sustainable ecosystem management.
Ifeoluwa Adebowale BALOGUN, (FUTA Akure-WASCAL): Climate Change and Extreme weather, past, present and future trends and the need for improved forecasting in West Africa.- Awa Niang FALL (GIDEL): Vulnerability of the coastal zones in West Africa and impact of climate change on fisheries.
- Brile ANDERSON (OECD): Work with cities to use open spatial data to guide expansion towards a resilience/adaptation (SWAC)
- Joseph DARON (University of Bristol-MetOffice): Advancing climate services and building climate resilience through partnerships.
11h00-12h30 | Parallel Session 2 Vulnerability of socio-ecosystems and development sectors to climate change: resilience and |
adaptation options |
Moderator Session 2: Mame Penda BA (UGB)
Rapporteurs Session 2 : Khady Yama SARR (UCAD-WASCAL) and Marie-Jeanne SAMBOU (UCAD-LPAOSF) Speakers:
- Mbaye DIOP (ISRA): Sahelian agriculture between falling productivity and climate change: the case of Senegal.
- Assane BEYE, (WASCAL-UCAD): Smart farming for increasing agricultural productivity under climate change: evidence from the Senegal peanut basin.
- Adama SARR (UGB and CSE): Resilience of socio-agro-ecosystems to climate change: impossible to adapt?
- Aida DIONGUE-NIANG (ANACIM): On recent advances in the development and use of climate services for risk reduction.
- Benoit HINGRAY (IGE): Urban electricity consumption for cooling in west and central Africa. Recent trends and perspectives for a climate service for the energy sector.
12h30-13h30 | Lunch |
13h30 | Parallel sessions continue (finalizing reports); in situ and remote |
14h30-15:30 Plenary (In situ and Remote): Reporting of parallel sessions and conclusions Moderator: Martin YELKOUNI (University of Lyon-IAD) Reporters:
- Mbayang THIAM (UCAD-WASCAL) and Cheikh Noreyni FALL (UCAD-LPAOSF)
- Khady Yama SARR (UCAD-WASCAL) and Marie Jeanne SAMBOU (UCAD)