- Federal Ministry of Environment , Abuja Nigeria
- Federal Ministry of Energy, Abuja Nigeria
- Federal Ministry of Science and Tech, Abuja , Nigeria
- Ministerial councils of the WASCAL member countries
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- All WASCAL Board members and SAC members
- WASCAL Directorate of Capacity Building and All GSP directors and deputies Alumni
- WASCAL competence Centre Scientists,
- WRAP 2.0 German and Africa Scientists
- All Partner German Institutions
- Directors / representatives of the seven river basins in the region
- Relevant MDAs.
- Relevant regional partnering Organizations (AGRHYMET, ICRISAT, FARA, WMO, SMHI, ECREE, CIRDES, CORAF, Alliance Sahel, CNRFP, WAHO )
- Relevant international organization (IPCC, IPBES, WMO, IUCN, NDC, ICTP, UKCEH, CGAR etc)
- WAGTEC and NESA (Technical partners), ECOWAS, The African Union, EU and The German embassies in member countries
- Financial institutions ( The World Bank, BOAD, EBID, AfDB)
- African doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with less than 10 years’ experience
- Scientists and stakeholders working in any area of climate change and climate services provision
- Civil society and Non-Governmental Organizations